Wednesday, March 18, 2009

31.5 Week Prenatal Appointment

I had my 31.5 week prenatal appointment on Monday. Although my blood pressure looked better, they discovered that I am now anemic. So, I'll start taking iron supplements. I have been super tired lately, but just attributed that to the pregnancy.

We're making progress on Aden's new room. We have chair rail up. James and Aden's nana painted the bottom portion of the wall. Toddler furniture is in and assembled. All that is left is to arrange the furniture how we want it and finish the nautical decor. I hope to have pictures to post soon!

My first shower is this weekend and I am really looking forward to it!

1 comment:

Our Blessed Family said...

I am sorry you are having a few problems! I hope that the iron helps. I loved having showers, I bet that sounds bad but it was fun to see what other people get for you! Hey I looked at those blankets. I actually ordered some SUPER cute stuff for newborns today. I can not wait to get it all! I have two newborns in the next two weeks! FUN!